Crispy coffee lamb chops with pomegranate ceasar salad


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Crispy coffee lamb chops with pomegranate ceasar salad

Delicious and healthy, these crispy coffee lamb chops will amaze everyone. Find out how to prepare them



  • 800g lamb chops
  • 100g of breadcrumbs
  • 4 slices of white sandwich bread
  • 60g of Biolife organic ground coffee
  • 60g of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 pomegranate
  • Songino salad
  • Nuts
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Take the rack of lamb and divide the individual ribs, cleaning the upper bone well.
Mix the breadcrumbs with organic ground coffee. Then bread the ribs, passing them first in the flour then in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs mixed with coffee.
Heat a pan with EVO oil and cook the lamb cutlets until the breading has formed a crunchy crust.
At this point, turn off the heat and put the ribs in the oven at 180°C for 5 minutes.
Serve the lamb chops on a hot plate with pomegranate ceasar salad.

For the Ceasar salad:

Cut the bread into small cubes and toast them in a pan for a few minutes with a drizzle of EVO oil.
Chop the nuts and shell the pomegranate.
Then add the toasted diced bread, the nuts, the pomegranate grains to the salad and season with EVO oil and balsamic vinegar.

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